Program CEEPUS III - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (

CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and is a multilateral University exchange program in the extended Danube region based on an international Agreement. There are 15+ members states who joint the current CEEPUS III agreement at the moment, each member state has a National CEEPUS Office.

The main activity of CEEPUS are networks of eligible universities of the CEEPUS member states operating joint programs. Within these networks CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers of those eligible universities. Since 1995 approximate 75.000 mobility applications have been awarded in the framework of our program.


Network: Central European Knowledge Alliance for Teaching, Learning & Research in Pharmaceutical Technology (CEKA PharmTech)

Network Description

Central European Knowledge Alliance for Teaching, Learning & Research in Pharmaceutical Technology (CEKA PharmTech) is a network of thirteen universities from ten CEEPUS countries aimed at continuous enhancement of teaching and learning, scientific research, and university-industry collaboration, through increased mobility of students and academic staff and increased availability of research facilities leading to improved academic outputs in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology. Joint educational events, such as intensive PhD seminars, summer schools and educational excursions, are also part of CEKA PharmTech activities, as well as support to one of the major regional scientific events in the field of Pharmacy, Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology (CESPT), which is traditionally organized through joint efforts from the CEKA PharmTech participating institutions.

Project Number: RS-1113-05-2122
Duration: 2021/2022 - can be prolonged
Budget: short term fellowships

Participants of CEKA PharmTech:



Project Coordinator at Faculty of Pharmacy PUMS: Prof. Janina LULEK,

Chair and Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
Tel: +48 61 854 66 55, e-mail: