;This file was created by Graph (http://www.padowan.dk) ;Do not change this file from other programs. [Graph] Version = MinVersion = 2.5 OS = Windows NT 6.2 [Axes] xMin = 51.50862069 xMax = 90 xTickUnit = 5 xGridUnit = 5 xShowLabel = 0 xAutoGrid = 0 xLabel = Tętno, 1/min yMin = -0.02889696 yMax = 0.19544266 yTickUnit = 0.05 yGridUnit = 0.05 yShowLabel = 0 yAutoGrid = 0 yAxisCross = 55 AxesColor = clBlack GridColor = clGray NumberFont = Cambria,13,clBlack LabelFont = Calibri,16,clBlack,I LegendFont = Calibri,12,clNavy ShowLegend = 0 Radian = 1 [Func1] FuncType = 0 y = fgauss(x) Color = clRed Size = 3 [PointSeries1] FillColor = 0x00990000 LineColor = clNavy Size = 3 Style = 0 LineStyle = 0 LabelPosition = 1 PointCount = 31 Points = 55,0;56,0;57,0;58,0.00455;59,0.00455;60,0.00909;61,0.00909;62,0.01818;63,0.03636;64,0.03636;65,0.04545;66,0.05909;67,0.07273;68,0.07727;69,0.16364;70,0.10909;71,0.10455;72,0.08182;73,0.03182;74,0.03182;75,0.03636;76,0.03636;77,0.01818;78,0.00455;79,0.00455;80,0.00455;81,0;82,0;83,0;84,0;85,0; xErrorBarType = 1 xErrorBarValue = 0.5 LegendText = Seria 1 [Func2] FuncType = 1 x = xs y = t From = 0 To = 1 Steps = 1000 Color = clRed Size = 2 [Func3] FuncType = 1 x = xs-ods y = t From = 0 To = 1 Steps = 1000 Color = clRed Size = 2 [Func4] FuncType = 1 x = xs+ods y = t From = 0 To = 1 Steps = 1000 Color = clRed Size = 2 [Label1] Placement = 4 Text = {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1250\\deff0\\deflang1045{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset238 Cambria;}{\\f1\\fnil Calibri;}}\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\i\\f0\\fs32 Prawdopodobie\\'f1stwo\\i0\\f1\\fs36\\par\n}\n BackgroundColor = clNone ShowInLegend = 0 [Label2] Placement = 0 Pos = 82.6989037727618;-0.0116909714454277 Text = {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1250\\deff0\\deflang1045{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset238 Cambria;}{\\f1\\fnil Calibri;}}\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\i\\f0\\fs32 T\\'eatno\\i0 , 1/min\\f1\\fs36\\par\n}\n BackgroundColor = clNone ShowInLegend = 0 [Data] TextLabelCount = 2 FuncCount = 4 PointSeriesCount = 1 ShadeCount = 0 RelationCount = 0 [CustomFunctions] xs = 69.8134 ods = 3.7739 fgauss(x) = exp(-(x-xs)^2/(2*(ods^2)))/(ods*(2*pi)^0.5)