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Wykład online „Global history in a not-so-global world”


Prof. Mark Jarzombek (USA) - 11 grudnia 2020 r.,  godz. 19:00 - online

Wydział Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej oraz Miasto Poznań zapraszają na wykład on-line, który wygłosi prof. Mark Jarzombek z Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tytuł wykładu „GLOBAL HISTORY IN A NOT-SO-GLOBAL WORLD”.

Prof. Prof. Mark Jarzombek, ukończył studia architektoniczne w Europie na ETH Zurich (1980), doktoryzował się na MIT (1986). Jest jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawanych współcześnie teoretyków i krytyków architektury. Do jego najbardziej znanych książek należą „Digital Stockholm Syndrome in the Post-Ontological Age”. University of Minnesota Press 2016, oraz “Architecture of First Societies: A Global Perspective” Wiley 2013.

„GLOBAL HISTORY IN A NOT-SO-GLOBAL WORLD”. The history of architecture has expanded considerably in the last thirty years. Preservation and Heritage Studies have played a large part. And while this trend has had many positive elements it has not been without its critics, especially since it has allied itself in some places with the rise of nationalism and ethno-centrism. In some places, architecture is on the front line of culture wars as groups seek to protect elements of their valued history in an increasingly complex world. This reflects itself also in how architecture is taught in many places often along the distinction between Modern Architecture and Traditional Architecture. This lecture will look at these issues and argue that we should move past these static notions of understanding the past – most generated in the 1970s – toward one that allows our more complex world to find a foothold in our teaching and scholarship.

Wykład finansowany przez Miasto Poznań w ramach Programu  “Akademicki Poznań”

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